Your first session is 100% complimentary. No obligations. No sales pitch. Just heart and listening.
Life is challenging. From overall health challenges, career obstacles,everyday stress, kids, money, family dynamics – it happens to everyone. Sometimes we need a little guidance on how to navigate through the rough patches. As a Life coach, I coach you on navigating through those hard times. I will help you discover your “true desires” in life and help you get on your road map to living the life you want and deserve.
Our sessions together are completely confidential and private!
I work with people from all over the world, so whether your in Europe, Asia or United States, I can be your Life Coach!
There are 10 Paradigms for Life Coaching that I abide by as a life coach. I would like to share them with you. Maybe they will resonate with you.
1. Release the pressure to create change and focus on increasing choice.
2. Nothing changes in the world, or in anyone else, until you change.
3. Every moment, feeling, and experience is perfectly orchestrated for your evolution. Nothing happens to you; everything happens for you.
4. There is never a downside to taking responsibility for your own experience.
5. Desire is not selfish, it’s wise. It’s a compass pointing you in the direction of your life’s purpose.
6. The most efficient states for change are curiosity and amazement, not judgement.
7. Transformation is a continual process of letting go.
8. Healing is an inside job.
9. Life’s wisdom comes through the ups and the downs.
10. Everything that happens in a session is right.